
Basic Food Basket Aid 2024: How to receive the benefit

The Basic Food Basket Aid is a social benefit created to combat hunger among the Brazilian population, and guarantees a significant amount of additional money for beneficiaries every month! Find out how to receive this benefit right now by clicking the button below!

The 2024 basic food basket benefit is now available to all Brazilians who meet the official requirements. Check if you are in the priority groups and come receive your benefit too! It is extremely important to review your beneficiary profile and check the list of rights in your CADúnico!


How to receive the 2024 Basic Food Basket aid

The food aid program is a government initiative aimed at combating hunger in the country. However, to be eligible for this benefit, you will need to meet certain criteria, in addition to gathering the documentation required for the benefit. See the list of requirements right now to guarantee your registration and start receiving the money of this help monthly!

Who is entitled to assistance?

All you need is to have a registration on (CadÚnico) Single Registry and meet the list of requirements, the main requirement of which is not to exceed the minimum income.

In addition, it will also be necessary to have a registration in the official program Brazil Aid. But don't worry, to make everything easier and clearer, we have prepared a step-by-step guide with all the details and information you need to start your process of obtaining the Basic Food Basket benefit. You will receive financial assistance every month. Access the next page and find out how to obtain your benefit right now!

Advantages of requesting your Basic Food Basket Aid

  • Receiving 100% online
  • Cumulative aid with several other benefits, such as family allowance and gas vouchers
  • Monthly receipt
  • More financial organization for your family

Basic Food Basket Benefit: What is it?

THE Basic Food Basket Aid 2024 in Brazil, it is essential to overcome the fight against hunger and food insecurity in the country. For this reason, the benefit is mainly aimed at the poorest families, who are extremely vulnerable. The program provides access to basic foods to ensure the nutrients necessary for human development. 

It was implemented by the government as a way to reduce social problems, and the basket consists of essential basic foods such as beans, rice, oil, sugar and several other products. It is important to note that in addition to meeting the population's nutritional needs, the program also acts as a kind of support to face economic problems. In other words, it provides immediate relief to families who are in difficult situations.

The distribution of the basic food basket aid is carried out in an organized and transparent manner, it reaches the neediest regions of Brazil, and directs its resources to guarantee basic social needs, contributing to the formation of a more equitable society.

States that provide the benefit

Several states have already made the Basic Food Basket Aid benefit available, including: Brazil, ... But it is worth noting that each of these states has its own way of granting access to the program's benefits, check it out:

  1. Rio de Janeiro: In Niterói, the benefit continues to have a special value that is much higher than in most regions. Paying an aid of R$$ 500. It is worth remembering that there are specific rules for families with children in the municipal network and for beneficiaries of Busca Ativa, in addition to the benefit for MEIs, taxi drivers and specific groups.
  2. São Paulo: There are 50 thousand families receiving the food cards, and the benefit amount is R$100 each. The card provided to beneficiaries is used to buy food in supermarkets. In São Paulo, the card replaces the physical delivery of basic food baskets for each month.
  3. Ceara: In the respective region, the benefit is R$$ 200, and is divided into two installments. There are 150 thousand families receiving the benefit in the region. In Ceará, the amount is deposited through a food card.
  4. Minas Gerais: In the capital Belo Horizonte, the city government has already distributed more than 240 thousand basic food baskets, and the consultation to receive the benefit is carried out online through the city government portal.
  5. Pernambuco: The aid offers an amount of R$$ 200 divided into two installments for professionals whose salaries have been affected by the pandemic crisis. Applications can be made through the website of the Secretariat of Social Protection, Justice, or through the SPS.