
Educational financial incentive program

How do I sign up for the Pé-de-Meia program?

THE step by step accessing the program is not difficult. However, before seeing the tutorial on how to do this, it is important to know the requirements and difficulties to access the program.

Therefore, tap the button below and you will be redirected to a page that explains more about these requirements.


About the Nest Egg Program

  • What is it: Pé-de-Meia is a financial-educational incentive program, that is, it offers financial incentives to high school students enrolled in public schools, with the aim of encouraging them to stay in school, complete their studies and participate in national and subnational exams. According to the Federal Government, the program also aims to democratize access, reduce social inequality among high school students and promote greater social inclusion through education, stimulating social mobility.
  • Target audience of the program?: The Pé-de-Meia is intended for low-income students aged 14 to 24, who are enrolled in regular high school in public schools, and who belong to families enrolled in the Bolsa Família Program. In addition, low-income students aged 19 to 24, enrolled in youth and adult education (EJA), who belong to families enrolled in the Bolsa Família Program, can also benefit from the program. To participate, the young person must be registered in the Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF).

On what dates are payments made?

The completion incentive will be made available between February 24, 2025 and March 3, 2025, while the Enem incentive will be paid between December 23, 2024 and January 3, 2025. The enrollment incentive began to be deposited at the end of March and the eight installments of the attendance incentive should begin to be paid in April - both incentives will be made available according to the month of birth of the students covered on the dates established in the 2024 payment calendar, which you can also find by clicking on the topic button above.

Student Journey

The Jornada do Estudante app, launched in June 2022, is a tool that connects the Ministry of Education (MEC) directly with students from all over Brazil, free of charge.

With this application, users can monitor their student records and access digital documents related to their educational path, from entry into the educational system to higher levels, all in real time and without the need for travel or additional requests.

The new version of the app will be released for free on March 20 on the Google Play and App Store platforms.


The funds will be deposited into a personal and non-transferable account in the name of the beneficiary student, which may be a digital social savings account. These amounts will not be considered in calculating family income for reporting purposes or for receiving other social benefits, such as Bolsa Família.

Regular school students who are beneficiaries of the program may make withdrawals at any time during the three years of high school, as long as they follow the enrollment and attendance rules. The amounts corresponding to support for maintaining studies will be deposited by the fund manager at least nine times throughout each year.

Part of the deposited resources may be used to invest in federal public bonds or securities, especially those aimed at financing higher education.


Failure to share information about students enrolled in the respective education networks may affect the payment of incentives for the period in which the information was not shared.

For those who are not included in this first period, the MEC clarifies that, if corrections or updates to information about enrollment in public high school networks occur between March 9 and June 14, payment of the Enrollment Incentive may be made until July 1.

The Pé-de-Meia offers a monthly incentive of R$200, which can be withdrawn at any time, in addition to deposits of R$1,000 at the end of each completed year, which can only be withdrawn after the end of the school year. Considering the ten installments of the monthly incentive, the annual deposits and a bonus of R$200 for participating in the National High School Exam (Enem) in the last year of high school, the total value of the benefit can reach R$9,200 per student.
